Conquering The Giant For Good

The brave participants negotiated walls and tires, water and mud crawls, each harder than the last, in order to conquer the course. Participants included BBI President, Robert Taylor Jr., who after crossing the finish line reflected, “I am very proud of the turnout for this event. Our employees are not getting paid to be out here on a Saturday; they are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts, in support of a great cause. I could not be more impressed at the quality of their character.”
The muddy runners included: Grace Abdelquader, Samantha Ditzler, Maria Espinosa, Daniela Herrera, Victoria Parker, Paulina Ramos, Tania Rivera, Soraya Roch, and Claire Van Putten. Friends of BBI, Josh Lane and Chris Lane from First Priority, as well as JJ McKinniss also joined the team for the race.
Several representatives from the company came out to cheer on the team that finished 8th among the 31 teams competing in the time trials. All participants finished the course in under an hour and fifteen minutes.
All of the proceeds from the Goliath Gauntlet go to support the children’s homes at Sheridan House. Sheridan House is committed to offering community services, which give children and families the opportunity to reach their full, God given, potential; opportunities that might otherwise not be available due to impeding circumstances in the home.
In addition to residential care for at-risk middle-school aged children, Sheridan House conducts Marriage and Parenting Seminars and offers parenting help through Sheridan House also has two counseling centers with professional counselors who worked with 3,801 individuals in 2013. Sheridan House also helps single moms. In 2013 3,618 single moms and children receive training and assistance (food, clothing, school supplies, financial assistance, furniture and other material items). The Single Parent Ministry is a “hand-up” not a handout… to receive ongoing assistance single mothers attend classes designed to equip them for life.