Robert Taylor and Family sponsored a new Habitat for Humanity Home
On Saturday, February 5, BBI joined Robert Taylor to dedicate a brand new home to the Williams family at the Habitat for Humanity Rick Case Community. The family of 6, has been dreaming of owning a home for as long as they can remember and have worked hard to earn the opportunity to build a better future.
Hank & Lydia Williams faced the challenges of reduced work hours during COVID and skyrocketing rental costs, but they have stayed strong throughout. This is a family that loves to spend time together; as Lydia stated, “We love being around each other. Now we will always have a safe place to come together and be a family.”
BBI has a culture of giving, a value our CEO not only believes in but embraces as to him every family should have a roof over their heads, comfort, and security.
Attending the dedication was Broward County Commissioner Lamar Fisher, City of Pompano Beach Mayor Rex Hardin, City of Pompano Beach Vice Mayor Beverly Perkins, Florida State Representative Chip LaMarca, among others.