BBI Joined Sheridan House for their 2022 Family Values 5K

BBI is committed to supporting our communities with local organizations like Sheridan house that help serve children and families in need.

At BBI, giving back is at the core of our values, and this past Saturday, February 19, we joined Sheridan House for their Annual Family Values 5k in Davie, FL. Our team consisted of about twenty-eight BBI members who volunteered alongside friends and family by running, jogging, or walking to support Sheridan House and its incredible mission.

Thanks to the support of many generous sponsors and volunteers including our BBI Hollywood team, Sheridan House surpassed its goal this year of $185,000. The funds raised at this event help support boys in the Residential Program dealing with behavioral and emotional problems and assist with their individualized mentorship. Additionally, it supports hardworking single moms who have lost income or jobs by providing transitional housing, grocery, clothing, and the necessary knowledge and skills to gain economic independence and thrive in their community.

Click here to see the race results page, and check out below some pictures of the event. BBI is a proud sponsor and supporter of Sheridan House.

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