BBI Events Extravengaza!
Annual Special Market Client Meeting
The Special Markets team recently met with 20 clients for their annual Special Markets planning meeting where they discuss how to best improve business operations. Clients presented to the BBI team and followed with one-on-one planning sessions with each Account Executive. The meeting was held at Reunion resort in Orlando and while the team worked hard every day with their clients, they also played hard during the nighttime with some team-based bowling challenges.
AAMC/CAVC Annual Meeting

The California Automatic Vendors Council (CAVC), in conjunction with The Arizona Automatic Merchandising Council (AAMC) is where businesses and guest speakers come to discuss the latest in vending trends and legislative updates. Our BBI team member attended the meeting and, pictured to our left, Lisa Mattias (BBI) partook in the San Diego Salsa Contest with members from Canteen Coastal and 365 Retail Markets.
Vistar Denver Trade Show

Vistar, a business partner with BBI, held a trade show in Denver where BBIís team members were present to gain knowledge on industry trends, product changes, and how we can best serve our clients with their needs.
Vistar New England Trade Show

Vistar also held a trade show in New England where BBIís Northeast Vending team members attended. They participated in meetings, saw important guest speakers, spoke with BBI clients on how we can best service them forward, and gained further knowledge on industry trends.